My newest article on Radiant Magazine!

I’m currently working on several writing projects! I’m finishing a book, working with a few clients in my coaching business, and writing articles. I can’t wait to share more!

Unselfish Love/The Annunciation
By Tina Jost
Her eyes and her flesh had not seen a stain 
Her heart was not tainted by vanity or shame

She desired to please the only One 
Her purity He created again in none

His love overflowed at her innocence 
Her joy filled the room like incense

Everything she touched grew with ease and grace 
Though she gave of her heart no pride filled her face

She sang psalms of joy and danced with the chore 
Her innocence pleased Him and he saw her pure soul

As she prayed there with passion 
She wanted to please him more

So He sent her an angel 
And her breath was but still

Her life and our future in a second did change
All of God’s creation for a moment in chains

Was to open the gates with a yes from this child
Who did not care for self, but to please the Lord with no doubt

Through the darkness, and fear, and the weight that she bore 
With a hole in her heart for her children to come

Not a sound did she cry when the terror was great 
For she new not alone would she carry the weight

She did not doubt the truth that was given to her 
Her obedient love eternity changed forever

Unselfish Love; the Annunciation” was published in Inspirations 3, a Collection of Short Works. 2007